The roof of Austria

Stamina and sure-footedness are required, but under the care of a legendary mountain guide from Heiligenblut, the summit will be secured and safely reached.


max. days

2 - 3 day tour ALPIN


from years

(In individual cases, the tour suitability is decided by the Into the Wild Guide.)

Price per person


  • Tour start: 11 a.m. Salmhütte (Leitertal) - hike from the Alpincenter "Das Glocknerhaus" to the Salmhütte approx. 3-3.5 hours
  • Duration: approx. 7 hours of walking per day
  • Required equipment: Backpack 25-35 l, weatherproof mountain sports clothing, gloves, hat, mountain shoes (Cat. B / C), sun protection (glasses, cream, cap) and possibly first aid package, camera, headlamp or flashlight, hut sleeping bag, toilet bag in the smallest format (there is no washing facility at the Erzherzog-Johann hut - only brushing teeth possible), drinking bottle (recommendation at least 1 liter), small snack, possibly hiking sticks


  • Starting point: Glocknertor at the Alpincenter Glocknerhaus
  • Guided tour by a mountain guide from Heiligenblut
  • High trail over the Leitertal
  • Via ferrata to the Hohenwartscharte
  • Overnight at Austria's highest refuge
  • All-round panorama over large areas of the Eastern Alps
  • Summit experience on Austria's highest mountain
  • Summit certificate, presented by the Heiligenblut mountain guide association

The roof of Austria - the Großglockner

Into The Wild

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If you feel like going INTO THE WILD with us now, get in touch with us, we will be happy to help you plan your vacation.

Call us on +43 (0) 4824 2244 - 0 or send us an email with your questions and requests.